"A ball will always come to rest halfway down a hill, unless there is sand or water at the bottom."

Henry Beard

"If profanity had an influence on the flight of the ball, the game would be played a lot better than it is."

Horace Hutchinson

They say 'practice makes perfect.' Of course, it doesn't. For the vast majority of golfers it merely consolidates imperfection.

Henry Longhurst

"Golf is like the measles, should be caught young, for, if postponed to riper years the results may be serious."

P G Wodehouse


"God meant this site to be a golf course."

Tom Dunn


A golf course must be a constant source of pleasure to the greatest number of players

It must require strategy in playing as well as skill, otherwise it cannot continue to hold the golfer’s


It must give the average player a fair chance. At the same time, it must require the utmost from the expert who tries for sub-par scores to be a Golf Course."

Unknown, but all true


Golf the idle man's business and the busy man's idleness.


Golf can be best defined as an endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle.


"I still swing the way I used to, but when I look up the ball is going in a different direction."

Lee Trevino

"I have a tip that will take five strokes off anyone's game. It's called an eraser."

Arnold Palmer

"Don't play too much golf two rounds a day is plenty."

Harry Vardon

"You must work very hard to become a natural golfer."

Gary Player

"A man who can putt is a match for anyone."

Willie Park

"The golf swing is like a suitcase into which we are trying to pack one too many things."

John Updike

"The last time I had this much fun was a root-canal operation."

Larry Ziegler

"I never wanted to be a millionaire, I just wanted to live like one."

Walter Hagen

"Missing a short putt does not mean you have to hit the next drive out of bounds."

Henry Cotton

"Sudden success in golf is like the sudden acquistion of wealth. It is apt to unsettle the character."

P G Wodehouse

"You get to know more of the character of a man in a round of golf than in six months of political experience."

David Lloyd George

Follow through: The part of the swing that takes place after the ball has been hit, but before the club has been thrown.

Henry Beard

 The least thing upset him on the links. He missed short putts because of the uproar of the butterflies in the adjoining meadows.

P G Wodehouse

A driving range is the place where golfers go to get all the good shots out of their system.

Henry Beard

 On approaching the 18th tee an American captain of industry turns to his caddy after an awful round of

golf and asks how is it best to play this hole, the caddy replies; "Incognito."

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